Steps to Use Split Screen Multitasking on Google Pixel 3

Steps to Use Split Screen Multitasking on Google Pixel 3

The technology has a lot in store to offer to us, especially if we talk about the smartphones. Every day new feature is launched and most of the time you are clueless about using it. The screen of phones is getting wider and bigger and all the credit goes to the elongated aspect ratios that are in vogue. Though it may cause some problem when it comes to such phones being handy or easy to adjust in your pockets, but one things that you are surely going to like about huge screens is the feature of split screen multitasking. Due to the Android 9 Pie on your Pixel 3, it has become easy to run two apps simultaneously. Here we are going to discuss the steps to use split screen multitasking on Google Pixel 3, so that you can make the best use of your android phone.

Steps to activate split screen multitasking

It is just few steps that are required to activate the split screen multitasking feature on your android phone. First and foremost, you need to swipe up on home button so as to be able to view the recent apps. Now you need to tap the app icon that is there at the top of one of the apps that you want to run. Next you need to click on the split screen option. As soon as you do this, you will be able to see that the app suddenly shrinks up to the top of your screen.

At the same time,  the rest of the apps that are there in your recent apps carousel shrink down to enable the shorter preview. In case you do not want to change the app but keep using it then you need to pull down on the white tab of the window that earlier shrank. Doing so will fill the entire screen and you are good to go.

Activate the second app

Now you need to tap on the second app that you wish to open in the split screen. As soon as you tap on the app you will see that the two apps occupy the respective halves of the screen. Next you need to drag the small white slider to come in-between the apps so that you can resize the same. There are three layouts and you can go in for choosing any one and the windows will according adapt to the scale. In case you decide to use only one app then you need to slide the other app either to the top or to the bottom. Simply tapping on the screen will also minimize the other app.

All in all, these are the steps to use split screen multitasking on Google Pixel 3 fr easing your work. At the beginning it came as the specific feature of the Samsung phones however today it has become one of the important features in almost all the android phones.

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