Productive Apps for Building Good Habits for Android in 2018


Today I am sharing Best productive apps for building good habits to achieve your goal. To form a habit is totally depend on the behavior of a person and on their circumstances. It could be build in minimum 21 days or can take maximum 264 days. If you are trying to build a good habit in your self don’t think its easy task. You may forgot or loose the habit unless you have good apps in your pocket. So we have collected few apps for you. These Android phone apps will help you to stick on your goals and complete them on time.

Here are the Best Productive Apps for building good habits for Android in 2018

Google Calendar

Google Calendar

When you start to built a good habit the most difficult and common thing is to remember everything on time.Google Calendar is app which helps in scheduling. It is an Official Google Calendar App  which has different ways to view your calendar in months, weeks and days. This app is totally linked with Gmail thru which you can easily set the Flight, hotel, concert, restaurant reservations to your google calendar. You can also create the reminder in your To-do list. You can also add your personal goals e.g running three times in a week, Calendar will set the time for them and will automatically remind you. Google Calendar works with all the calendar in phone and also do the exchanging too.



Habitica is beautifully designed fun gamify app which helps in to stay motivated and organized. In this you will create a avtar and complete the task the level get up once you finish it. When you will start the app input all the task you want to do and also those habits which you want to built in yourself. There is a multiplayer mode in it thru which you can unlock the extra content. Just like other games you can earn gold for your every task.It will turn all those tasks and habits in a fun way which helps you to easily built your habits.

Loop Habit Tracker

Loop Habit Tracker

This is an ad-free and open source app. Loop is used to maintain good habits and helps in to achieve long term goals. The Graph and Statistics helps to check how much you improved your self. This app has a very strong formula to calculate your strength. Repeatedly use of it makes it stronger and every missed day makes it weaker.



Session is almost similar to habitica, but there is unique quality in it called “pledging”. In this app you declare a habit, suppose  you want to pray for 10 minutes it will notice your time and help you to knock on time.Thru which you can do the task on time. This app have teeth, the session give full focus on your work and make it count on time which is brilliant.

So these are the Best Productive Apps for building good  which we compiled for you. Kindly try all of these app and choose the best one. Enjoy and Please let us know if we are missing something.

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