Top 5 Android Apps For Personal Development And Goal Setting


Self-development is an essential part in the life of everyone who aspires a successful and fulfilling life. We are always looking for cool apps that are fun and help us improve ourselves at the same time. There are tons of Android Apps for personal development out here that make you smarter. These  positivity apps  help us reach our goals, make learning fun and keep an eye on our physical well-being.

From an app that will help you get back into harmony and balance, to apps that help you achieve your goals and sharpen your mind. Here are my favorite apps for personal development.

  1. Lumosity

Used by over 70 million people worldwide, it creates a personalized training program that challenges your brain. It is a wonderful collection of brain games that give your gray matter a serious workout. It is designed by neuroscientists to train memory, attention, … with foundations in the study of neuroplasticity. Recommended for all those who want to sharpen their brain. This keeps your brain in top shape!!

Lumosity App- Personal Development

  1. Secret of Happiness

If mindset is key to succes, this app will help you to focus on what is working in your life, on your successes. After you get up in the morning and just before you go to bed in the night, enter your positive thoughts into the app. Repeating this for 30 days will train your brain to think positively and your subconscious to be happy. It is a great way to help you put things in perspective, to keep you focused on the positive, to keep a smile on your face.


  1. Evernote

This very popular app provides you access to a notepad wherever you are, it is the modern workspace that syncs between all of your devices, you can work everywhere and stay productive. From writing notes, checklists to organizing articles, docs and photos. You get to make different notebooks that you can use for work, ideas, studying, hobbies, appointments, … It is guaranteed to make your life easier by providing more organization.


  1. Brainwave-relax and meditation

The #1 brainwave app, brainwave meditation is one of the easiest and best ways to relax, to get easily de-tached, to enhance your capacity for learning and increase your creativity. Brainwaves facilitate meditation and relaxation to achieve intellectual, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. With the isochronic tones, your states of awareness will be effectively altered to intended brain states. An very easy way to get the beneficial effect of deep meditation!


  1. Daily Yoga Fitness App

The best yoga app on Android which guards your physical wellbeing, this app provides you daily your own yoga studio on the go, it is suitable for all levels,  helpful for beginners as well as for advanced yoga practitioners. Some routines are really life-changing, the soothing music helps you get even more in the flow.

About Author :


Barbara Vercruysse-Duran is a mentor, coach and writer.All her life she has been interested in human psychology, the mindset of successful people, the big questions about human existence and the essential spiritual laws.After surviving a stage 4 skin cancer at the age of 32, she decided to live her second life at the fullest. Sharing love, wisdom, guiding people through a deep transformation, have become her life mission.Barbara is a Certified Life Coach.


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