How Do I See Who Is Following Me On Facebook?

Facebook Followers

Facebook’s constantly evolving environment includes the idea of followers. As with other social media sites like Instagram and Twitter, Facebook lets users follow accounts without having to become friends. Users can be informed about publicly accessible content from fascinating individuals or pages by using this feature. However, determining who is following you on Facebook is more complicated than just perusing your friends list. Let’s examine how to locate your network followers.

Making Use of Facebook’s “Followers” Function

Getting to Your Profile Settings: Click on your name or profile photo to open your Facebook profile. If you go to your profile page you can click on the “Friends” link which is located below your cover photo.

Examining the Tab marked “Followers”

You have an option in the dropdown menu called “Followers.” To view a list of people who are following your public posts, click on it. Note that you may only use this function if you have given followers access to your profile.

Viewing Your Followers

Having followers on Facebook is great as it shows you are getting more attention from other users. To access and see the list of people that follow you, you have to click the “Follows” tab. Once you do this Facebook will show your followers. If you want to see all of them, you will need to scroll down to see every individual that follows you.

Facebook also provides options to interact with your followers directly from this tab. You can choose to follow them back, unfollow them, or even block them if necessary.

Checking Notifications

Notifications for New Followers

Facebook typically sends notifications whenever someone starts following your profile. These notifications appear in your notifications tab, represented by a globe icon located in the top menu bar. Keep an eye on this section to stay updated on your recent followers.

Pages details

If you are a Facebook administrator, you can easily get information about your followers. This includes their age, gender, and location. To get this information you just need to visit your page and click the “Insights” icon.

Reviewing Friend Requests

Sometimes, users might send you friend requests instead of following your profile. While this doesn’t directly indicate followers, accepting friend requests allows users to see your public posts, essentially functioning as followers. You can manage friend requests through the friend request icon, which looks like two silhouettes located in the top menu bar.


Understanding your audience and effectively connecting with them on Facebook requires knowing who is following you. You may remain up to date with your following by making use of tools like the “Followers” page on your profile or monitoring notifications. These strategies enable you to engage with your audience and customize your material to suit their tastes, whether you’re running a business Page or a personal page. Thus, all you have to do is do these actions the next time you’re wondering about your Facebook followers in order to learn more about your audience.

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